We’re sharing all the tips and tricks on how we make our competition pork butt!
If you’re cooking pork butt at home, strictly for pulled pork, we’ve got that recipe here.
Pork Rub
Sweet and salty work together with a little more heat make this a great pork rub – used to help us take home the 2016 Reserve World Champion title. Small: 7.4 oz | Large: 13.9 oz

Competition Pork Butt
- Smoker
- 9 lb pork butt
- Kosmos Q Honey Chipotle Killer Bee BBQ Rub
- Montana Outlaw BBQ Pork Rub
- aluminum foil
- Blue Hogs Champions' Blend BBQ Sauce
- 1/3 cup Kosmos Q Pork Injection
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1 1/2 cups apple juice
Money Muscle
- 1/2 cup butter we use Challenge
- brown sugar
- Kosmos Q Peach Jalapeno Rib Glaze optional
Remaining Pork Butt
- Stubb's Pork Marinade
- Combine Kosmos Q Pork Injection, brown sugar, apple juice; shake and refrigerate for 24 hours. This will yield enough for 2x 8-9lb pork butts.
Prep & Smoke
- Trim pork butt.
- Inject pork butt with injection mixture.
- Season with a medium coat of Kosmos Q Honey Chipotle Killer Bee BBQ Rub, and a heavy coat of Montana Outlaw BBQ Pork Rub.
- Let the pork butt rest for 6-8 hours.
- Smoke for 4 hours at 275°-300°.
- Cut off the money muscle.
Money Muscle
- Top money muscle with butter, brown sugar, honey, Kosmos Q Peach Jalapeno Rib Glaze; double wrap in foil.
- Smoke until internal temperature reaches 185°-190°.
- Slice into 6 even pieces. Using brush, coat all sides with Blue Hogs Champions' Blend BBQ Sauce.
Remaining Pork Butt
- Place the remaining pork butt on foil and pour a half bottle of Stubb's Pork Marinade around it. Double wrap with foil.
- Smoke until internal temperature reaches 205°.
- Choose best tubes from remaining pork butt. Using brush, coat all sides with Blue Hogs Champions' Blend BBQ Sauce.
- Place money muscle and tubes in presentation box for judging.